Sunday, 29 December 2013

Madiba Our Friend

Nelson Mandela.
When I hear this name I think of freedom, courage, faith, integrity and humility. These are all some of the characteristics of this great man. He inspired not only a nation or a generation; he is an inspiration for humanity. Everyday we hear of so much evil all around us. Without doing anything are we not in that cycle of evil ourselves?
Every time I am faced with any form of obstacle or hardship I think of my Messengers and Mr Madiba. He was not a prophet or an angel or a saint. He was a mere human and he sacrificed TWENTY SEVEN years for his nation, yet we remember him not as a prisoner but as a freedom fighter, a hero.
You are not as insignificant as you may have been made to believe. If you are Muslim or Christian, you will agree that the angels and the devil himself were made to bow down to us. Does this not show how incredible you are in this universe?
Overcome the fear of failure, or any fear you have built. In the words of Madiba himself;
“courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers fear”
I believe that there are many Nelson Mandelas, Malcom Xs, Jomo Kenyattas, Waiyaki Hingas, Muhammad Jinnahs, Mahatma Gandhis and Mehdi Hasans out there. Let’s have more faith in humanity, and more importantly in ourselves.
“be the change you wish to see in the world”

                                                                                ~Mahatma Gandhi

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