Sunday, 6 April 2014

These Are The Best Days

This is it!

We have reached the final week of university. My years of being an undergraduate student are soon to be gone. Now all that looms are the ending dissertation and exams and before you know it, degree in hand, I’ll be riding into the sunset of endless opportunities of tomorrow.

However, as optimistic as I am of the future and ecstatic, for now, to be done with long lectures, there’s this sense of melancholy and nostalgia bubbling inside of me.

Winter was what I mostly saw of university, short days filled with endless laughter, banter, fights, food and accents. The memories that I hold are memories that stay with one forever, no matter how simple or exciting they were.

I met a boy called Jay. Panic building inside of me, first day of Uni, "Aniqah, you’ve got to wow them all". Building up the courage, thinking “he seems normal enough”, I walked towards him, “Hi, I’m Aniqah”. I had him at hello. Ever since then, we have been the best of friends. We’ve laughed, boy have we laughed, we have fought and we have talked about everything from life to Bollywood (sometimes confusing the two) and mostly about our dreams and our fears. A brilliantly smart loving guy, but just so lazy! And we all love him for it, I know he’ll always be a part of  my life as I make sure I am in his!

On the same dreaded “first day of Uni”, with that same nerve and courage, I saw a group of girls standing outside one of the university buildings, my love story with them was not as quick as it was with Jay however. On introductions, Hazra was the sweetest girl I had ever met, and oh was I so deluded. Sameeha, a very quiet and simple girl, yet again, so so deluded. My friendship with these two girls grew gradually and in second year Hazra and I would have these one off dates and moments where we would just have endless things to talk about, mostly boys and books. We have the funniest relationship, but I treasure it because she is a million colours, not a single dull one though. Sameeha, what I like to call Samu, ended up being one of the bestest friends I have ever had. She went to Spain for a semester and when she came back, she and I would just always end up sitting next to each other in Lecture and talking, and then talking on the phone, and after one sleepover and a summer apart we just could not stay apart. Sam is so giving, demanding, loving, honest, accepting, and a tad bit cynical but she's not just a friend, but family too. She lives up to what a bestfriend should be. She's my soulmate. We have planned our whole lives together and I know, we’ll be as close forever.

On meeting Jay, I saw him later on with a bunch of his highschool friends and plucked up all the courage I had and pulled another “Hi guys, I’m Aniqah”. Enter Priya. We clicked as soon as we met. This smiley sweet Tamil girl that reached my waist had such an impression on me. I have never met such a sweet person in my life. Priya has always been there for me and she has definitely seen the good, the bad and the ugly. We are both so weird and so made for each other. Our banter and private jokes are endless, and the one off emotional conversation when we're both down have been a strength.

During the first week of Uni, we had a seminar and I was late, I ran in and got the first chair I could see and sitting next to me was this foxy vivacious girl with her long straightened hair, animal print top and blackberry in hand. Aksa was your typical east London girl. At the end of the seminar, me being the friendly cookie that I am asked her if she knew anyone in the course, Aksa gets up puts her bag on her shoulder and says “Yeah” and walks off. Everyone on first impression thinks Aksa is the world’s biggest b****, as did I, but she is so far from that. Aksa is the most genuine person I have ever met. She is always up for fun, is such a sport and always so supportive. Smartest one in the group on paper but so ditzy in person, but we all love Aksa.

All of the smarty pants were in a different Math group than I because I had not done add/ pure math and generally just hate it. Here I met this super goofy funny guy called Babindip. What we call Babin. Everything he would say would make me laugh, even if he didn’t intend it as a joke. We would sit together in lecture and not pay any attention at all. Then we would end up in the library having deep life talks, giving each other advice, and from there I called him my brother. As big as Babin is, is as big as his personality is.

Lastly, as the semester progressed, I had five hours of continuous lectures on Fridays. As did this girl I hated for having the same name as me resulting in people calling me QAH. Anika. We started off by sitting next to each other, gossiping about all the smart losers sitting at the front, then we’d take turns to bring snacks to lecture, then the lunch dates began and before you know it, we were on the phone 24/7. I have never spoken to anyone on the phone as much as I have to Anika. We became the same person and would call ourselves Aniq(k)a(h) squared. Some of my favourite Uni memories are with this girl. Anika changed me, she made me a more accepting person and to try and see the good in everyone.

University made me meet some amazing people, so many more people that have not been mentioned. You have already met Naima and Lyla in one of my previous blog.  And everyone else I met along the way has left a mark on my life.

I will always treasure the good times we’ve had, however, this is not the end of the book, but the beginning of a new chapter.

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